that's why

The reason I want to design things is my personal fascination with the everyday objects that surround us. It doesn't matter if my gaze only stops briefly on a thing and it makes me smile or if I want to touch it, explore it and understand it on all levels. Often I don't even know at first why I find something fascinating, I just know that it captures my attention in an intangible way and I can't escape this attraction. That' s why is my search for this feeling and the attempt to make my fascination comprehensible in order to stimulate reflection on one' s own. As a result of the theoretical debate, I have developed a perceptual model for feelings of fascination and created a manifesto for fascinating design. This summary gives me the opportunity to share my findings with other people. Based on an intensive examination of my personal fascination, I have designed a physical representation of this fascination. A thing that represents the purest form, the essence of my fascination. Through this object-like form, I want to make my fascination comprehensible and put it up for discussion. The combination of the theoretical research and the physical representation of my fascination is an attempt to share my drive to design things and make it comprehensible. This master's thesis is a step on the way to getting closer to this feeling. It is one of many steps. It is not a fait accompli but a part of my search.
 exhibition view
exhibition view
 exhibition view
exhibition view